Gaslighting continues: Gut and Cut is the ideology of Deficit-Haters but stealth is a factor

Is Canadian Media exacerbating national division because it's lucrative? Postmedia almost fulfilled their goals to elect Andrew Scheer - like the U.S. media did when they helped to elect Trump - and often portrayed Alberta as a rising hotbed of separatist angst when the #Wexit noise really comes from a minority of discontented Conservatives having a temper tantrum. Prime example of Gaslighting: "This idea of Alberta as this poor, woe begotten, economic basket-case is a myth, one that opposition politicians here like to trade on. But it's a fairy tale."

Andrew Scheer Pants on Fire

Andrew Scheer is the leader of the Opposition in Canada, yet he finds the time to mislead his base almost every day. He has an unhealthy and seemingly pathological obsession with blaming PM Justin Trudeau (PMJT) for everything under the sun. As such, we started several blog posts dedicated entirely to Scheer’s #AlternativeFacts, obfuscations, misrepresentations, deflections and/or straight-up lies.