Inconvenient truths: the Elephant in the room

Propaganda is manipulative persuasion in the service of an agenda and is used by both the right and the left. Even the smartest people sometimes forget simple truths when confronted with repetitive reassuring lies.The descent into tribalism by the right-wing is a direct result of the propaganda that Oligarchs, Conservative think-tanks and their friendly media … Continue reading Inconvenient truths: the Elephant in the room

Jason Kenney: Pants on Fire


According to Jason Kenney and Andrew Scheer, neither low Oil and Gas prices, nor the American shale gale, nor the increase in U.S. crude oil production & resultant glut, nor the massive structural shift in the oil industry had anything to do with Alberta's downturn and continued recession: it was entirely caused by Superwoman Rachel Notley and/or her Superman sidekick, Justin Trudeau.

Gaslighting continues: Gut and Cut is the ideology of Deficit-Haters but stealth is a factor

Is Canadian Media exacerbating national division because it's lucrative? Postmedia almost fulfilled their goals to elect Andrew Scheer - like the U.S. media did when they helped to elect Trump - and often portrayed Alberta as a rising hotbed of separatist angst when the #Wexit noise really comes from a minority of discontented Conservatives having a temper tantrum. Prime example of Gaslighting: "This idea of Alberta as this poor, woe begotten, economic basket-case is a myth, one that opposition politicians here like to trade on. But it's a fairy tale."

Part 4: Conservative Economic rhetoric is Gaslighting

Andrew Scheer goes on and on about forcing the Federal Government to "live within its means" and that invokes old discredited fears about Canada's accumulating debt and our deficits. Scheer claims PM Justin Trudeau made a “mess” of our economy & his "massive" deficits will mean increased taxes that our children will inherit. Conservative fear-mongering about Canada's best debt-to-GDP-ratio in the G7 is gaslighting. Our children also inherit massive assets and like any mortgage they may pay on for 20-30 yrs, increased equity in ownership is a huge bonus.

Shawcross Doctrine, DPAs, SNC

The Ottawa bubble appears to be feeling the effects of climate change. The Polar Vortex driven by Canadian Media is spinning out of control: logic and common sense appears to be frozen solid, sacrificed on the altar of click-bait journalism where shaping how the public is supposed to think matters more than reporting real news.

Andrew Scheer Pants on Fire

Andrew Scheer is the leader of the Opposition in Canada, yet he finds the time to mislead his base almost every day. He has an unhealthy and seemingly pathological obsession with blaming PM Justin Trudeau (PMJT) for everything under the sun. As such, we started several blog posts dedicated entirely to Scheer’s #AlternativeFacts, obfuscations, misrepresentations, deflections and/or straight-up lies.

Jason Kenney: Male Work Camps

Mr Kenney, leader of the United Conservative Party in Alberta alleges that Prime Minister Trudeau (PMJT) laid out some "smears against construction workers" but that's not true! PM Trudeau took the high road by not calling out the misinformation of a Conservative plant who had to read her question from a note. The experience she related was singular, and not shared by the women who were abused.Gender-based impacts are well-known and a disservice to women to dismiss them. Kenney is projecting: smearing is on him.

Andrew Sheer: TransCanada

For Andrew Scheer to claim PM Justin Trudeau is responsible for TransCanada's name change because they are running away from Canada when they are heavily invested in the U.S. and when the name change to TC Energy was planned over a year ago, is tin-foil hat thinking. TThere is rarely a day that goes by without a tweet from Andrew Scheer blaming PM Trudeau for some alleged wrong. He cornered the market on #AlternativeFacts, misrepresentations, and/or obfuscations long ago, but his obsession with blaming PMJT is bizarre.

Neoliberalism: Socialism for the Wealthy

The Neoliberal Ideological Agenda threatens not only working class people but our environment and our social programs. The Oligarchs funded the climate change deniers, are responsible for union-busting policies, recommendations for privatization, deregulation, fiscal austerity measures by government, low taxes for corporations, a gutting of social programs, and crumbling infrastructure.